When I teach philosophy, I strive to provide students with cognitive scaffolding they can use to navigate their individual and collective lives, engage in their own creative projects, and mindfully resist the worst dimensions of a culture shaped by patriarchy, advanced capitalism, settler colonialism, racism, heterosexism, ableism, and other forces. I endeavour to help students develop a consciousness of the power structures that shape their experiences, including the ones which are present in the classroom.
Course Instructor
*Click on underlined course names for course outlines
University of Toronto:
2023 Fall PHL 323: Social and Cultural Theory
Topic: The Neoliberal University
PHL 329: Topics in 20th-Century Continental
Philosophy Topic: Continental Biopolitical Theory
Concordia University (Montreal):
2023 Winter PHIL 275: From Modern to Postmodern
PHIL 377: 20th-Century Continental Philosophy
PHIL 210: Critical Thinking
*PHIL 210 is an eConcordia course with pre-established content
2022 Fall PHIL 201: Problems of Philosophy
PHIL 216: Philosophy of Language
PHIL 473/658: Advanced Topics in Continental
Philosophy/Selected Topics in Continental Philosophy
Topic: Foucault on Madness
2022 Summer PHIL 210: Critical Thinking
2022 Winter PHIL 372: Philosophy of Race
PHIL 266: Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
*PHIL 266 is an eConcordia course with pre-established content.
2021 Fall PHIL 371: Philosophy of Feminism
PHIL 377: 20th-Century Continental Philosophy
PHIL 266: Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
University of Toronto:
2021 Summer PHL 388: Philosophy and Literature
*This course was a version of my PHL B04 course, compressed for a short (6 week) summer term. See the PHL B04 syllabus to get a sense of the class.
2021 Winter PHL B04: Philosophy and Literature
2020 Summer PHL 322: Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PHL C09: Topics in Continental Philosophy
Topic: Catherine Malabou's 'Plasticity'
2018 Summer PHL 242: Science Fiction and Philosophy
Teaching Assistant
University of Toronto:
Tutorial Leader and Grader
PHL B09: Biomedical Ethics (Fall 2020, Fall 2019 and Fall 2017)
PHL 101: Introduction to Philosophical Problems (Winter 2021 and Fall 2020)
PHL 113: Persons and Values (Winter 2019)
PHL 217: Introduction to Continental Philosophy (Winter 2020 and Fall 2018)
PHL 271: Law and Morality (Winter 2018)
PHL 281: Bioethics (Summer 2017 and Fall 2016)
PHL B12: Philosophy of Human Sexuality (Winter 2016)
PHL 243: Philosophy of Sexuality (Winter 2017)
PHL 324: The Continental Tradition (Fall 2018)